FNF vs Little Man 2


FNF Mod that sees Boyfriend engaging in an epic rap battle against some smaller person while entertaining himself through singing the entire length of an elaborate and very long song with hilarious interludes and comical incidents taking place throughout.


  • Little Man
  • Little Man 2
  • Big Man
  • Madness

FNF vs Little Man 2 Mod Credits:

If you enjoyed playing and want to stay up-to-date on its development, make sure you show your gratitude by supporting its creators by following them on social media platforms - also check for any projects they might be working on that might interest you!

Wildythomas was responsible for porting StaleTide Mod with some assistance from coder, animator and project manager services; she later initiated and took charge of this initiative herself.

Phloxio: originator, mod assistant and asset maker.

Here's where you can download it: For cool PC owners: [Download Here]. Game Engine Credits: Shadow Mario as Main Programmer.

bbpanzu: Additional Programmers.

RiverOaken: RiverOaken serves as the main artist/animator.

Notable contributors on GitHub include everyone that contributed.

Original FNF Credits: Ninja Muffin99 for Programming.

PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r - Artists

All contributions have been greatly appreciated on GitHub source! Thank you all for making it all happen.

This web optimized port's purpose is to make FNF and this mod more accessible to players who cannot otherwise play it on a low-powered PC, Chromebook, Mac or Linux system; saving hard drive space along the way! Keep in mind, though, that this online web port might differ slightly or feature missing mechanics than its PC version; so if possible make sure both versions are purchased.

For an extra challenge, disable Ghost Tapping by unchecking it in the settings.

Google Chrome should be used when playing FNF Mod for optimal performance.

Jam to the beats and have some fun!

FNF vs Little Man 2 is a online Reaction time Game you can play for free in full screen at KBH Games. FNF vs Little Man 2 is also HTML5 games that be played on a mobile phone, tablet, and computer. Easily play FNF vs Little Man 2 on the web browser without downloading. Hope the game will bring a little joy into your daily life.
